20 Most Awkwardly Awesome Pregnancy Announcements The World Has Ever Seen

These days, anybody who”s anybody announces their biggest life moments on social media for the whole world to see. The best announcements (and the most creative ones) are created by some of the most passionate soon-to-be parents in the world. If they spend this much time and energy TELLING us they”re preggers, just imagine how awesome they”ll be as parents.

1. I hope that kid loves Halloween as much as his parents.

I hope that kid loves Halloween as much as his parents.

2. Vanilla Ice must be smiling somewhere.

Vanilla Ice must be smiling somewhere.

3. She sure does love that apple juice.

She sure does love that apple juice.

4. Is honesty REALLY the best policy?

Is honesty REALLY the best policy?

5. Where”s “Waldo?”



6. What CAN”T you do with red sauce?

What CAN

7. I bet that kid”s “pumped.”

I bet that kid

8. Might as well get them on board early…

Might as well get them on board early...

9. … and get that new training in.

... and get that new training in.

10. Oh, we will.

Oh, we will.

11. Pay up, rent”s due.

Pay up, rent


12. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans, eat your heart out.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans, eat your heart out.

13. Brand placement, for the win!

Brand placement, for the win!

14. I wonder if they have a bench big enough for six?

I wonder if they have a bench big enough for six?

15. I think we need a bigger TV.

I think we need a bigger TV.

16. Nothing like a math equation to make people smile.

Nothing like a math equation to make people smile.

17. You can”t NOT be the father on Maury.

You can

18. Dum Dum… DUM!

Dum Dum... DUM!

19. That”s one movie I”d like to see.


20. Well that”s just mean…

Well that

Well, that just put me to shame. Good thing I have a few years to brainstorm my own announcement. I”ll be darned if the Joneses next door make a funnier pregnancy annoucement!